Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pre Christmas Pictures

So I am in absolute denial that Christmas in just three days away! I have several things left to prepare for this joyous time of year. All of which require me to either get in a car and go somewhere or use cleaning supplies! Both tasks...well I have only two days left! Madeline is getting into the spirit. We took presents for her three teachers to school today. I was not there when Madeline passed them out. Story provided by Mrs. Fisher: Madeline gave Mrs. Mary and Miss Stephanie their respective presents. She had one left to pass out. She turned to Mrs. Fisher and offered her the remaining present. When Mrs. Fisher told Madeline that the gift was for Mrs. Bobbie her other teacher, Madeline exclaimed "No, I don't like Mrs. Bobbie the gift is for you!" Oh goodness. So needless to say Mrs. Fisher cracked up and told Mimi at pick up today that she had the perfect Madeline story. Tonight, I went on a mission to pick up a special present for Mrs. Fisher.

I am grateful that we have one more Christmas with Uncle John in Cleveland although Christmas won't be the same without Aunt Noelle and Ed. Both will be missed at our table this year! Merry Christmas to all!

Grandma Bohrer gave us the most wonderful gift this year. Professional pictures of the girls. Thanks Grandma!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


October has come and gone. Madeline was surrounded by many loved ones this Halloween. Her older sister was with her friends so Madeline was stuck with the grown ups. Mimi, Papa, Grandma, and Uncle John all came over. Mimi and Grandma stayed at our house to hand out candy (pictured below). Trick or treating was fun! We taught Madeline when houses had their lights on it meant they were handing out candy. As we approached houses with lights on Madeline would turn to us to confirm it was safe to go up. When we said yes, she would reply "Yes! Giddy up!". She lasted for about an hour visiting twenty or so homes. She came home with a bucket full of candy. Upon our return I learned that my family thought I was cheap for handing out dots. I enjoy dots (papa) so I figured they were good treats for all! So next year I guess I will go for the more sought after chocolate...For the second time in her life she wanted to be a butterfly for Halloween. Here are her pics.